Available Softwares :::

iSPD simulation tool
iSPD is a grid simulator using an iconic modeling interface. This allows for an easy creation of complex grid models, which can simulated in iSPD with good accuracy and speed.
The models created with iSPD can include meta-schedulers created through a simple graphical interface, where the person creating the model has only to introduce simple mathematical relations, through a selection of predefined parameters.

RTsim package
RTsim is a simulator of schedulers of real-time systems. It currently offers the Rate-Monotonic, Sporadic server, Deferrable server, priority exchange and priority ceiling algorithms for monoprocessing systems, and Miopic, Bidding and selective bidding algorithms for distributed systems.
It can also be used as a teaching tool, since all algorithms can be "practiced" or "tested" by students using a step-by-step interface to schedule tasks.

JaNi Compiler
JaNi is a prototype of a Java-to-Nios2 compiler. It is capable of transform single-class programs written in Java to Nios2 hardware description.
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